In this article, we are going to discuss social media marketing. It is really a question of the day due to the coronavirus crisis, economical recession, and protuberant role of work-from-home style.
Most of the coworking businesses are busy with COVID-19 crisis management and developing their reopen plans, which surely include a few points about digital marketing and SMM.
I am sure that if you didn't have enough time or knowledge to promote your coworking space on socials before, today is the best time to catch up.
Faster than Internet
Why is the promotion of your coworking brand on social media worth efforts and money? Because social sites are mega-popular, they are growing faster than the internet.
Some eloquent statistics you want to know
The number of internet users around the world is rapidly approaching 4.5 billion. That’s more than half of the entire global population.
At least 90% of businesses are using social media to promote their business as part of a wider marketing strategy.
Facebook is undoubtedly the most popular of the social media channels and has just surpassed 2.5 billion users — as of the fourth quarter of 2019.
On average, 500,000 new users join Facebook every day.
It was found in 2019 that adult Facebook users in the US spent around 38 minutes a day on the platform
Around 11% of Facebook posts are now videos, and mobile-first video ads account for over 50% of Facebook’s video revenue.
Source: 59 social media statistics you need to know in 2020
Did you know
What do you feel when you can't reach your smartphone and check your social apps? You feel anxious, disappointed, and irritated. This happens because we are addicted to our cell phones, internet connection, and social media access. So, social media has become an integral part of our lives. According to statistics in different European countries like Singapore, social media users have increased by 43,000 years on year (+0.8%).
Did you know that this obsession is so widely spread that there is a specific word for it?
Nomophobia is a proposed name for the phobia of being out of cellular phone contact.
Here is a brief list of the most popular social websites:
Of course, this list of social networking websites is not exhaustive. Wikipedia knows over 200 them.
With this tremendous popularity, social media presents a remarkable marketing opportunity for your coworking business.
However, keep in mind that each social media platform is different. For example, Reddit values awesome content, videos dominate YouTube, and photos are exactly what you need to post on Instagram.
How SMM Works
We finished the previous section with the concept that each social media platform requires a different strategy to promote your coworking space successfully. I also hope that even if you didn't do any social media marketing before, you are ready to learn it in order not to game away in the long run.
By the way, do you know what is social media marketing and what goals it pursues? In our case, SMM is a process of attracting attention to a coworking brand by creating content adapted to a particular social media platform. The goal of posting such tailored content is to trigger engagement and sharing.
Let's come down to the process and main definitions.
When you post something on social site (e.g.: a photo taken during your recent community event and some text describing it), you expect that your members will start to share it with their friends and finally it will go viral.
However, to reach these goals, your need to generate engaging content. Then it has all chances to be shared. There is no other way to make members tell their friends about your post.
If your post on social media is mediocre, you will hardly get many shares, so your content won't go viral and won't drive any traffic to your corporate site.
Definitions to add to your coworking marketing vocabulary:
- Content is everything you are posting. For instance, it may be a coworking space description update on Facebook, a new photo in your Instagram profile, a pin on your Pinterest board, a tweet, whatever.
- Context. Imagine that you have created an ebook about the evolution of coworking spaces. There are so many smart quotes and funny jokes inside it. But how many people see this cool stuff? I bet you would like to have more readers. You can change the rules of the game by simply posting the quote you like the most on Twitter. It's impossible to squeeze the entire book in a single tweet. But you can add a powerful call-to-action with relevant hashtags inside to make people click and read the entire writing piece.
- Hashtags are widely used across almost all social media channels. They contain meta information necessary to describe the topic of your content or specify its belonging to one of the current coworking business trends. Hashtags help readers discover your content easier. When a user is searching for specific content, they are more likely to share it afterward.
#coworking #coworkingspace #office #business #startup #coworkinglife #entrepreneur #community #work #workspace #cowork #officespace #networking #startups #coworkingspaces #coworkingcommunity #coworkers #digitalnomad #design #entrepreneurship #freelance #freelancers #coworkingoffice #sharedoffice #entrepreneurs #space #virtualoffice
- Shares can be compared to currency used in the social media world. They are the only valuable thing that matters on social networks. The more shares your content gets the more people love it. Shares are the best form of engagement you would ever dream to obtain from the audience.
- Engagement is people's interactions with your content. It can be any action - a like, a comment, a small conversation through the Facebook chatbot, a recommend, or a share. Any form of engagement is great but shares make a positive impact on website rankings. These engagements are Facebook leads that you can retain and convert by keeping the data.
Generate recurring revenue and offer exceptional customer experience at your shared or coworking space
Simple Tips to Promote Your Coworking Space on Facebook
It's impossible to give you instructions on marketing your coworking space on all popular social networks in one guide. That's why today we will focus on Facebook. This is the biggest social media platform enabling you to run the most targeted ads (with catchy advertisement designs) and specify your customer to the toothpaste they are using 😉.
I am talking about Facebook Ads, which you can target to small food business owners living in Durham between 35 - 45 years old who jog every morning and regularly spend money on kitchen equipment.
A great thing about Facebook is that the website almost does not limit you in terms of content. You can post text, images, videos, whatever. Just make sure that you integrate your content into this social media platform as much as possible.
Here's what I mean. If you have shot a new video about your coworking space, don't just link to this video on YouTube, upload the video on Facebook so that people could watch it staying on the platform. In addition, you can generate accurate video captions to make your video content accessible to wider audiences.
Next, if you have created a beautiful landing page for a community event and want to redirect people from Facebook to your landing, publish it as a tab inside your fan page. The hack will increase the efficiency of your publication.
Your goal is to keep your audience on the platform as long as you can. Facebook is a trusted network and users don't want to leave it to view something on another resource.
Use Facebook Business Manager
If you decided to promote your coworking space on Facebook, start with the free Facebook Business Manager tool. If you can't imagine your business without a workspace management app, you will follow my advice.
Facebook Business Manager is an absolute must for managing your ads, pages, and people. It will make your SMM experience much simpler. You will have a single place to tweak your campaign for better performance instead of multiple tabs.
But that's not all, you will be able to choose your audience based on location, age, gender, language, interests, behaviors, and connections.
You will also be able to point out the desired devices to display your ads. You should also consider hiring a Google Ads agency or working straight with a social media marketing company to get all these tasks done for you.
It's up to you to decide whether to opt for using auto ad placement (recommended by Facebook) or state where you want your ads to go and what device you want them to target.
Create Lookalike Audiences
When you find your perfect audience to promote your coworking space to, you can leverage your success by creating lookalike audiences, which is a cool Facebook feature.
It grounds on the fact that many other audiences have similar characteristics to one of your current audiences. In other words, if you already have an audience that is performing wonderfully, why not create one more audience that is likely to perform well.
I highly encourage you to give this feature a try in your coworking social media marketing campaigns as it will streamline the process of finding and expanding your target market.
Enable Instagram Integration
This is a zero-effort trick. After creating a Facebook ad, you can click a single button and publish it on Instagram. Choose “Feed,” “Stories,” or both.
Coworking space residents are mostly young people having Instagram accounts, so it's worth to consider using this automatic integration that will expand your reach without extra work.
Take Advantage of Facebook Live
There is no single explanation to Facebook Live popularity phenomenon. The fact is that people love live videos more than traditional ones. According to the recent live streaming statistics, on average, 28% of people viewed a Facebook live video each month. Maybe they feel more connected, maybe the point is in trust and transparency...
Whatever reason, it's your chance to hook up your target audience and promote your coworking space in an enjoyable way.
According to statistical data:
Videos on social media generate 1200% more shares than texts and images.
82% of people prefer to watch a live stream than read a post on social media.
More than 1 in 5 Facebook videos are Live and are watched 3X longer than pre-recorded videos.
~ Live Streaming Statistics Every Marketer Should Keep In Mind In 2020
As you see, a live video may be a worthy investment. It is super engaging, people watch it longer than any alternative video content, and what's even more important nearly 67% of the viewers will purchase whatever you are promoting when they have the opportunity.
Please note that live video marketing is relatively new, the trend is still in the development stage which means that your live streams will differentiate you from competitors and characterize as a modern innovative coworking brand.
Well, I hope you've got enough information to start promoting your coworking space on Facebook.
I have already mentioned above that there are 200 social media sites at the moment and this number continues to grow. Taking into account today's workspace transformation, digital coworkings, remote memberships, new audiences that can be reached online only, you surely want to establish your coworking brand presence on some of the most active dynamic socials.
Start with figuring out where your audience hangs out and direct your marketing activities that way. Remember that the context of each social channel suggests the form of content that will work for workspace promotion.
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