Subscriptions & Revenue
Generate recurring revenue and automate billing
Automate subscription signups, boost revenue, and streamline invoicing and payments with our makerspace software solution. Let makerspace managers focus on important tasks, not paperwork.
- Generate recurring revenue: Enable manufacturers to sign up for your customized subscription plans and automate the billing process to eliminate the need for administrator intervention.
- Subscription approval: Configure plan sign-up requests for the plans that require administrator verification and do not allow immediate independent sign-up by users.
- Personalize membership plans: Create plans with detailed descriptions, pricing, credits, day passes, and discounts to inform customers of available options.
- Automated invoicing: Easily consolidate makerspace rent, equipment usage, and other fees into auto-generated invoices for streamlined billing.
- Automated payment collection: Gather recurring subscription payments on a set schedule, ensuring a smooth process for you and your customers, eliminating payment reminders, potential human errors, and accounts payable waiting times.
- Boost your revenue by running an in-app shop that offers a variety of expendable products, such as paints, modeling clay, and more.
Spacebring is absolutely essential. We'd easily need three to six more people just to keep things going. Even then, there'd likely still be problems and unhappy members.€3K+monthly savings90%self-serve bookings70%admin automation
Lease workstations and rent equipment effortlessly
Simplify workstations reservations and equipment rental so members can focus on their projects. Enable a smooth booking process, from convenient showcasing to self-reliant bookings - all in our makerspace management software. Make booking easy even for new users and save makerspace operators' time.
- Simplified self-booking for manufacturers and artists: Guide them to user-friendly makerspace software, where they can easily find available rooms and workstations and book them with a few taps.
- Interactive calendar: Enable members to view schedules, book rooms, and pay with a clear and intuitive availability interface.
- Manage booking permissions: indicate user groups that need verification from the administrator to book a studio or station.
- On-the-go convenience: Empower members to manage bookings through a branded makerspace booking app, ensuring flexibility for busy professionals.
- Secured self-service access: Through integrated access control, your members can access facilities with just their mobile devices.
- Simple equipment rental: Let makerspace members rent cnc machines, 3d printers, laser cutters, and other makerspace equipment in just a few clicks through our user-friendly makerspace management software (coming soon).
- Consolidate all your client's activity in the community directory—bookings, subscriptions, equipment rentals, shop orders, and payments—in one place.
- Optimize visitor management process by letting manufacturers preregister their clients without going to the administrator or using another app.
Makerspace Management
Build a vibrant makers' community
Nurture community and develop the feeling of partnership and belonging in your makerspace through events, community feed, and chats. Drive a maker movement with our powerful tools.
- Efficient communication: Centralize all makerspace members conversations through built-in chat, eliminating the need for multiple communication channels.
- Build a vibrant community: Let members discover upcoming events and join for free or by buying a ticket, sell master classes and courses for creative professionals.
- Post updates, invite people to events or happy hours, and share news and announcements through your own community feed.