Subscriptions & Revenue
Generate recurring revenue and automate billing
Automate subscriptions, boost revenue, and streamline invoicing and payments. Our best coworking space management software automatically handles sign-ups, credits, and payments. We meet your specific needs so you can focus on healthcare services.
- Maximize your revenue by creating membership plans with detailed descriptions, pricing, credits, day passes, and discounts to inform your potential customers of available options.
- Subscription approval: Configure plan sign-up requests for the plans that require administrator verification and do not allow immediate independent sign-up by users.
- Automated invoicing: Easily consolidate medical space rent, equipment usage, and other fees into auto-generated invoices for streamlined billing.
- Automated payment collection: Gather recurring subscription payments on a set schedule, ensuring a smooth member experiences for healthcare providers and your staff, eliminating payment reminders, potential human errors, and accounts payable waiting times.
We wanted to make it really easy to book, really easy to unbook, really easy to see the variety. We wanted our members to feel like they open up the app and it's like a candy shop. When members open their apps for the first time, a lot of them have the same reaction which is “Oh, WOW, so modern, so endless, WOW.” They love it.1Kpeople attracted in 6 months by events80%event attendance rate20+of admin hours saved weekly
Medical Space Management
Effortless management of your medical space
Streamline your medical space management, making it seamless to showcase rooms, track occupancy, and manage third-party integrations and payments.
- Showcase medical coworking spaces with clear descriptions, pricing, and real-time availability.
- Enable medical professionals to book shared workspaces, meeting rooms, parking and other resources self-reliantly with branded mobile apps, maximizing convenience for busy medical professionals.
- Manage booking permissions: indicate user groups that need verification from the administrator to book a medical space.
- Provide a way to book medical rooms securely without revealing the booker's identity.
- Track your medical office space utilization with real-time accuracy for informed decisions.
- Organize all practitioner's data: subscriptions, invoices, payments, event tickets, shop orders, and more — all activity is consolidated. Member management made easy!
- Integrate with the best apps to help you manage your medical coworking space business: access control, CRM, automation, payments, Wi-Fi, and many more integrations in one platform.
- Get the best customer support, we don't just help if things go wrong; we proactively monitor your experience, anticipate issues and address them before they become problems.
Visitor Management
Automated reception desk
Enable self-reliant visitor management, allowing patients to visit medical appointments effortlessly, saving time for medical space administrators and keeping healthcare professionals updated and focused on patient care.
- Optimize the visitor management process by letting healthcare professionals preregister their patients without going to the administrator or using another app.
- Keep your front desk free from clutter and impress visitors with a beautiful branded reception app.
- Send push notifications to your members' mobile devices upon the patient’s arrival.
- Send automated emails to patients with visit details for speedy check-in and check-out.
At Thought Partner Studio, we aim to bring innovation to mental healthcare and wellbeing, and Spacebring has been the perfect solution to help us achieve this. The space management software has transformed how we manage our therapeutic shared workspace by providing flexible booking options and efficient operational management tools. It’s more than just a tool; it’s an integral part of our mission to transform healthcare together.Hamidah OthemanThought Partner Studio by Curious Creations
Community Building
Connect practitioners through the easy-to-use platform
Foster community growth at your medical office and develop the feeling of partnership and belonging in your medical space through events, community feed, and chats. Let's grow the healthcare industry together!
- Post updates, invite medical professionals to events, and share news and announcements through your own community feed.
- Let healthcare providers discover upcoming events and join for free or by buying a ticket.
- Enable member-to-member and admin-to-member communication through built-in chat.