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Creating a Stellar Support Experience: Tips from the Frontline

Vahe Mardoyan
Creating a Stellar Support Experience: Tips from the Frontline

Customer support is no longer about just fixing problems in today's fast-moving business world; it's about creating experiences that will really stick in your customers' minds. Having been on the front line myself, especially within a coworking space environment that is as dynamic as can be, I have learned one thing: top-notch support makes all the difference in creating a community of loyal members. This is what my journey has taught me about delivering first-rate customer support.

Discovering the Heart of Exceptional Support

When I started doing customer support, I used to think it was all about the fast resolution of issues. The more experienced I became, the more I realized that it is so much more—it's about the people, their needs, and making them feel important. Be it helping a new member get settled or resolving a booking issue, the aim is always to leave the customer with good vibes.

Why Support Matters

One incident that really opened my eyes to customer support was an issue with a long-time member at our coworking space. He was always a very self-sufficient man, but he came to us with the problem of the main meeting room being double-booked and his having a meeting scheduled there with an important client. Seeing the frustration and stress all over his face, I knew this was more than just a logistical issue—it was a trust issue. We did not just solve the problem; we also reestablished the faith placed in us by quickly providing an alternate solution for them to visit and offering a free coffee break with their meeting. This experience really drilled it into my head: customer support is not about problem-solving alone; it is more about relationship management.

Double bookings causing headaches? A booking platform can help.

There was a time when one of our regular members, Sarah, had an issue with our meeting rooms being double-booked. She was going to have an important client presentation, and the mix-up put her under much stress. Having seen how flustered she was, I rapidly found an alternate room and made sure that everything was set up per her request. I offered her complimentary coffee service for her meeting to smooth things over. Later, Sarah called and mentioned how much she had appreciated that the issue was resolved very fast and how the personal touch really made a difference to her in having trust in our service.

Customer support team at a coworking space

Empowering Your Team

Supporting a frontline team can be very challenging, yet is critical to giving great customer service. In my personal experience, a highly trained and well-motivated team is the backbone of any successful operation in support.

  • Beyond the Basics Training: When I first trained my team, much of it was focused on technical skills: how to operate the booking system, how to handle complaints, and so on. Over time, though, the things that proved to be of equal importance were such soft skills as empathy and active listening. I started integrating those types of things into our training, and it made a big difference in how our team interacts with members.
  • Empower Them to Decide: Earlier in my career, I was always apprehensive about allowing my team members to make decisions without consulting me. As my belief in their capabilities grew stronger, I started working toward enabling them to resolve issues on their own. It did not just improve our response time but also gave our team a sense of ownership that is uplifting for morale.
  • Positive Work Environment: I've also noticed that if the team is happy, then so are the people. Celebrating small wins and showing everyone that they are appreciated keeps us positive, and that does come through in how we work with our members.

I remember one incident where one of our support team members, Mark, was dealing with an issue in which the air conditioning in a private office broke down amid a heat wave. He did not escalate the matter but took the initiative by relocating the member to a temporary office with working air conditioning and arranged for a technician to fix the issue at the earliest. His presence of mind and authority to make that call not only solved the problem but actually impressed the member, who praised our responsiveness.

Adopting a Customer-Centric Approach 

Maybe one of the most important shifts in my attitude toward customer support was realizing just how important personalization is.

  • Making It Personal: I started with making sure our team gets to know our members by name, and remembers little details about their preferences. This small effort made a big difference—members began feeling part of the community and not like another customer.
  • Practicing Empathy: I learned very early that sometimes all it takes is a good dose of empathy. I remember one situation when a member was so angry over some technical glitch that messed up their work. Instead of just resolving the issue, I spent a little time listening to them and really acknowledged their frustration—apologized sincerely for the experience. It not only fixed the problem but also shifted what could have been a negative experience into one that was very positive.
  • Being Proactive: Over the years, I’ve found that being proactive is key. One of the recurring issues we noticed was that new members often had difficulty navigating our booking system during their first few weeks. Anticipating this, we started offering a short, personalized onboarding session where we walked them through the system and answered any questions they had. This proactive approach significantly reduced the number of support tickets related to booking and made new members feel more comfortable and welcomed from day one. These small gestures show that we care about their experience and are committed to their satisfaction.

One of the frequent problems we found out that new members had was dealing with our booking system in their first weeks. Knowing this, we began holding a short, individualized onboarding session where we would walk them through the system and answer any questions they might have. This proactive solution cut down the number of support tickets against booking by a number, and from day one, new members felt much more at ease and welcomed.

Improve member satisfaction with better issue management.

Leveraging Technology: Tools That Work

Technology has been a game-changer in how we handle customer support. Here’s what’s worked for us:

  • CRM Systems:A strong CRM system has allowed us to track member preferences, service usage history, and support history. This not only makes our job easier but allows for a much more personalized level of service to be delivered.
  • Chatbots for Routine Queries: In efforts to free our team for larger and more complex issues, we integrated AI-driven chatbots that could handle routine inquiries. This supports our members at all times and provides support outside regular hours.
  • Omnichannel Support: We have also made our support accessible through multiple channels, be it through email, phone, or social media. This has made reaching out much easier for members in the most convenient way possible.

Customer support software by Spacebring

Spacebring member support tool.

Creating a Knowledge Base

One of my proudest projects was developing a comprehensive knowledge base for our members.

  • Making It User-Friendly: I wanted to ensure that the knowledge base was easy to navigate and understand. By using clear language, visual aids, and a search function, we created a resource that members could rely on to find answers quickly. Moreover, search intelligence solutions can further optimize this process by delivering the most relevant information based on user queries and behavior.
  • Keeping It Updated: Regularly reviewing and updating the content was also crucial. By involving the support team in this process, we’ve been able to keep the knowledge base current and relevant.

Using Customer Feedback

Feedback has been invaluable in shaping our support strategy.

  • Post-Interaction Surveys: After every interaction, we send out surveys to gather feedback. This has given us insights into what’s working and where we can improve.
  • Analyzing and Acting on Feedback: We regularly review this feedback to identify trends and make necessary adjustments. For example, when we noticed several complaints about our Wi-Fi, we took immediate steps to upgrade our network and improve the user experience.
  • Closing the Loop: We make it a point to let our members know when we’ve made improvements based on their feedback. This not only shows that we value their input but also encourages more members to share their thoughts with us.

Building a Community

For me, the most rewarding aspect of working in a coworking space has been building a strong, supportive community.

  • Fostering Connections: We’ve created numerous opportunities for members to connect, whether through events, social media, or informal gatherings. This sense of community has been a cornerstone of our success.
  • Encouraging Peer Support: By setting up channels where members can share knowledge and offer advice, we’ve been able to create a supportive environment that benefits everyone.
  • Staying Engaged: Regular engagement through newsletters and events has helped us maintain a strong connection with our community, reinforcing the bond between our brand and our members.


It is an ongoing mission—creating a stellar support experience—one that requires constant attention, a propensity for change, and quick adaptation. It is this very combination that has allowed me to be instrumental in building a support system that doesn't just meet, but exceeds its expectations: empowering the team, being customer-centric, driving through technology, maintaining a strong knowledge base, embracing feedback, and—crucially—building a strong community.

Within a coworking space, these practices have been even more important: reliant on a seamless and supportive environment. As we continue to tune our approach, I know that the bar for what exceptional customer support can be is only going to continue being raised.

Ready to streamline your operations and deliver exceptional customer support? Schedule a demo with Spacebring now.

The article was written by Vahe Mardoyan is an experienced support manager with a passion for building strong, supportive communities in coworking space yerevan. With a keen eye for detail and a commitment to continuous improvement, Vahe has helped create environments where members not only thrive but feel truly valued.

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