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Work It, Mama: Coworking Space with Childcare Built in

Helga Moreno
Helga Moreno
Work It, Mama: Coworking Space with Childcare Built in

Let's face it, the traditional office setup just doesn't jibe with the realities of parenthood. Remember those days of dreaming about bringing your little one to work? Yeah, us neither. (Seriously, who wants sticky fingers on their keyboard?)

The struggle is real, folks. Studies show a whopping 72% of working parents are drowning in stress thanks to childcare woes (shout out to APA and KinderCare for the research!). Finding decent, affordable care feels like searching for a unicorn—mythical and frustrating.

But here's the good news: there's a superhero cape waiting to be worn by YOU, the awesome coworking space operator. We're talking about family-centric coworking spaces—vibrant hubs where parents can crush their to-do lists while their kiddos are safe and happy nearby.

Think of it as a win-win situation. Parents get their work done, kids get playtime fun, and your coworking space becomes the envy of the entire industry.

Ready to ditch the one-size-fits-all office model and build a space that caters to the modern family? Buckle up, because we're about to delve into the world of on-site childcare for coworking spaces. We'll equip you with the knowledge and strategies to craft the ultimate workspace for parent-preneurs. Let's make magic happen (and maybe even get some decent sleep—a parent's dream, right?).

Why Integrating On-Site Childcare Services?

Let's delve into the tangible benefits of incorporating onsite childcare within your coworking space

1. Building Vibrant Communities

Onsite childcare transforms coworking spaces into more than just work hubs—they become dynamic communities where professionals can connect, collaborate, and thrive. The presence of families adds depth and diversity, enriching the coworking experience and fostering meaningful connections among members.

2. Nurturing Work-Life Harmony

For working parents, achieving work-life balance is paramount. By offering onsite childcare, coworking spaces become havens where professionals can pursue their passions while ensuring the well-being of their children. This holistic approach empowers parents to thrive in both their personal and professional lives.

Working mom with a kid at a coworking space with daycare

3. Enhancing Member Engagement and Retention

The availability of onsite childcare enhances member satisfaction and drives engagement and retention within your coworking community. By addressing your members' childcare needs, you cultivate a loyal and dedicated clientele invested in your space's success.

4. Flexible and Customized Solutions

As a coworking operator, you have the flexibility to tailor childcare offerings to suit the unique needs of your members. Whether it's full-time daycare programs, part-time babysitting services, or educational enrichment activities, your space can accommodate diverse family dynamics and schedules.

Key Amenities for Coworking Spaces with Childcare

So, you're thinking about making your coworking space extra awesome for families? Smart move! But what kind of stuff do parents and kids actually need? Here's the lowdown on the must-have features that separate family-friendly coworking spaces from the rest:

1. Nourishing Meals and Beverages

Ensure that your space offers delicious and nutritious meals prepared fresh daily, alongside a variety of healthy beverage options. Providing sustenance for both parents and children fosters a nurturing environment where families can thrive.

2. Thoughtful Design

Embrace a design aesthetic that captivates both children and parents, creating a welcoming and engaging atmosphere. Incorporate vibrant colors, interactive elements, and ergonomic furnishings to stimulate creativity and comfort. Add re-stick Canvas Prints with motivational quotes and engaging cartoon imagery for a touch of whimsy and encouragement. This blend of aesthetics and functionality creates an inviting atmosphere that sparks joy and leaves a lasting impression on all who enter.

A boy with a teacher at a coworking space with daycare

3. Skilled Childcare Professionals 

Employ experienced and compassionate nannies who possess the expertise to care for children of all ages. Their presence instills confidence in parents, allowing them to focus on their work knowing that their children are in capable hands.

4. Safe and Stimulating Play Areas 

Design well-equipped playgrounds where children can engage in imaginative play and physical activity under the supervision of childcare professionals. A safe and stimulating environment promotes holistic development and fosters a sense of belonging.

5. Advanced Monitoring Software and Access Control Systems

Implement specialized software to monitor children's activities and ensure their safety at all times. Additionally, integrate access control systems to regulate entry and maintain a secure environment within your coworking space.

6. Professional Development Opportunities

Offer tailored business development courses to support members in growing their ventures and expanding their skill sets. Empowering parent entrepreneurs with valuable resources fosters a thriving community of success-driven individuals.

7. Wellness and Fitness Programs

Promote holistic well-being through fitness and yoga classes that nurture physical and mental health. Consider incorporating innovative features like treadmill desks and recreational facilities such as ping-pong tables and climbing walls to encourage active lifestyles.

8. Pet-Friendly Amenities

Cater to the diverse needs of your members by providing designated dog parks where furry companions can socialize and play, fostering a sense of community among pet-loving professionals.

9. Dedicated Spaces for Rest and Relaxation

Designate wellness rooms where members can unwind and recharge during the day, offering tranquility amidst the hustle and bustle of coworking life. Lactation rooms provide nursing mothers with privacy and comfort, ensuring their needs are met with dignity and respect.

Strategies for Coworking Spaces with Childcare

Thinking about making your coworking space super family-friendly? That's awesome! But where do you even begin? Don't worry, here are some super easy tips to turn your space into a haven for working parents and their little ones:

Coworking space with daycare

1. Develop a Comprehensive Business Plan

Begin with a meticulously crafted business plan that delves into market research, competitor analysis, pricing strategies, and demand projections. A well-defined plan serves as a roadmap for securing financial support from investors and financial institutions.

2. Customize Childcare Integration

Explore various approaches to integrating childcare within your coworking space. Determine whether children will share the workspace with parents or if designated play areas with professional supervision are more suitable. Establish clear guidelines for each area to maintain harmony and functionality.

3. Address Legal and Insurance Obligations

Understand the legal and insurance implications associated with operating a family-friendly coworking space. Hire staff with appropriate qualifications, design rooms to meet safety standards, and obtain necessary licenses. Upholding stringent hygiene practices is paramount for ensuring a safe and healthy environment.

4. Prioritize Safety and Security Measures

Implement robust safety and security measures to instill confidence in parents regarding the well-being of their children. Utilize access control systems, surveillance cameras, and restricted entry protocols to safeguard the premises. Offering remote monitoring options for parents enhances transparency and peace of mind.

5. Cultivate Parental Trust and Engagement

Foster an environment where parents feel confident entrusting their children's care to your facility. Prioritize open communication, transparency, and responsiveness to parental concerns. Encourage parent participation in children's activities and events to nurture a sense of community and collaboration.

6. Establish Consistent Routines and Practices

Create structured routines for meals, recreational activities, and educational endeavors to promote stability and predictability for children. Allow for a transition period as children acclimate to the coworking environment, leveraging the proximity of parents to ease the adjustment process.

7. Invest in Skilled and Reliable Staff

Recruit and retain a team of qualified childcare professionals who embody dedication, empathy, and reliability. Comprehensive training programs ensure that staff members are equipped to deliver exceptional care and support to children and parents alike.

8. Strategize Pricing and Membership Models

Tailor pricing structures to accommodate diverse needs, including pay-as-you-go options, monthly memberships, and incentives for regular users. Consider the unique requirements of mompreneurs, a demographic experiencing significant growth and seeking flexible workspace solutions.

Craft membership plans for your shared space and drive recurring revenue

9. Foster a Balanced Coworking and Childcare Experience

Strike a harmonious balance between coworking activities and childcare services, fostering synergy and engagement between parents and children. Organize collaborative events, workshops, and celebrations to promote interaction and cohesion within the coworking community.

Exploring Diverse Models of Coworking Spaces with Childcare

Let's explore a few inspiring examples of coworking spaces worldwide that have mastered the art of creating a thriving community for both parents and children:

1. Big and Tiny

  • Locations: Ocean Park, Santa Monica, LA, and Battery Park, NYC
  • Story: Founded by Keltse Bilbao, Big & Tiny aims to support the growth and development of both children and families. Inspired by the Reggio Emilia philosophy, the space offers an integrated learning community where children can explore and thrive.
  • Mission: Building a community of learners committed to research and discovery, fostering emotional intelligence, and promoting early literacy and math skills.
  • Core Values: Student-centered learning, diversity and inclusion, and community-oriented education.

2. Fandory Factory

  • Location: San Diego, California
  • Overview: Fandory Factory provides a haven for children's growth, offering individualized tutoring, after-school programs, birthday parties, and enriching kids' camps. The space fosters exploration, excitement, and meaningful experiences for children of all ages.
  • Services: Fandory Academy, after-school programs, tutoring, life lessons class series, birthday parties, and turn-key office rental.

3. Two Birds

  • Locations: Washington D.C. and VA
  • About: Two Birds is a Reggio-inspired school offering comprehensive early childhood education, professional workspace for parents, and engaging extracurricular classes for children and parents. Founded on the principles of community and individualized attention, Two Birds fosters meaningful connections and lifelong learning.
  • Mission: Transforming community-building in early childhood education, offering comprehensive support for children, families, and educators.
  • Philosophy: Student-centered learning, diversity, equity, and inclusion, and fostering lifelong curiosity and creativity.

4. HackerMoms

  • Location: Berkeley, California
  • History: Founded in 2011, HackerMoms provides a creative outlet and supportive environment for mothers balancing work and family life. Their unique approach combines elements of a hackerspace with childcare, fostering a sense of community and empowerment among members.
  • Philosophy: Supporting mothers in exploring their creative sides and maintaining a healthy work-life balance.
  • Features: Playful creative spaces, inclusive community events, and opportunities for self-expression.

5. The Inc.

  • Location: Seattle, WA
  • Vision: The Inc. is committed to achieving gender equity in entrepreneurship, the workplace, and at home. Their community-driven workspaces offer affordable childcare options and child-friendly environments where parents can work and children can play.
  • Mission: Creating neighborhood-centric spaces that address the evolving needs of modern families and promote inclusivity and flexibility in childcare arrangements.
  • Key Initiatives: Community-driven workspaces, flexible childcare options, and partnerships with strategic allies.

6. Cowo & Crèche

  • Location: Alexandria, VA
  • Overview: Cowo & Crèche is a boutique co-working space designed to meet the needs of working professionals and career parents. Founded by Shamena Nurse-Kingsley, the space provides a distraction-free environment for individuals to thrive professionally while offering on-site childcare services.
  • Mission: Empowering parents to succeed personally and professionally by providing a supportive and nurturing environment for both parents and children.
  • Features: Fully equipped workspaces, licensed childcare facilities, and a focus on work-life balance for all members.

These coworking spaces exemplify innovative approaches to childcare integration, offering solutions tailored to the diverse needs of modern families and professionals.

Building Your Dream: The Last Piece

So, you've got the vision for a coworking space for parents—that's awesome! Remember, creating this kind of space takes some planning. You want happy kids and focused parents, right? Here's the key:

  • Top-notch childcare: This is non-negotiable. Qualified caregivers and a safe, stimulating environment are a must.
  • Flexible workspaces: Not all parents need the same thing. Offer options like full-time daycare, part-time babysitting, or even educational activities.
  • Community vibe: Think comfy areas for nursing moms, soundproof rooms for calls, and maybe even family events.

By following these tips, you'll create a space that's more than just an office—it'll be a thriving community where work and family life can win together.

Ready to make it happen? We've got the tools to help! Our software streamlines everything from booking to invoicing, freeing you up to focus on what matters most—building a successful space for working families.

Schedule a demo today and let's turn your dream into reality!

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