Billing Blues Be Gone: How Spacebring Streamlined Innovate Carolina Junction's Operations

The Innovate Carolina Junction is a place where creative people come together in Chapel Hill. They teamed up with Spacebring to make things easier, like sending bills automatically and letting members help themselves. This way, they can better support their growing community of innovators.

Billing Blues Be Gone: How Spacebring Streamlined Innovate Carolina Junction's Operations
Chapel Hill, NC
20,000 ft²ft²
member growth
increase in bookings
admin hours saved monthly

Key Challenges (with the previous software)

  • Old-school billing: The old way of sending bills was a pain. Administrators had to do extra work by copying invoices into a different place, which took up a lot of time.

  • Limited self-service: The old software didn't let members do much on their own. It was hard to use and had a lot of problems, making it frustrating for them to book things or interact with the system.

  • Missing pieces: The old software didn't have everything needed to keep up with the growing space. It couldn't handle all the things people wanted to do, so it was clear that a better solution was necessary.

Spacebring Solutions 

  • Easy-to-use apps: Members love intuitive and easy-to-use web and mobile apps. These apps make it easy for members to do things themselves, like booking stuff, which greatly improves their experience.
  • Smart invoicing: The system sends bills automatically, ensuring they're always correct and saving time for the administrative team.
  • All-in-one solution: The app does more than just bills and bookings. It helps with things like events, visitors, and printing, all in one place. This makes managing the space easier and helps build community.
  • Growing together: Spacebring can handle more space and members as the community grows.

Key Achievements

Innovate Caroline Junction's partnership with Spacebring achieved impressive results that matched their goals.

  • 21 admin hours saved monthly
  • 138% member base growth 
  • 5x increase in bookings 
  • 80% of room bookings are made by members without admin help

Spacebring has made things easier for Innovate Carolina Junction. By sending bills automatically and providing user-friendly apps, they've saved time for their team and helped members book things themselves. This has led to a 138% increase in members and a 5x increase in bookings. 

In conclusion, Spacebring has been a valuable partner for the Junction, helping them grow and work more efficiently.

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Are you facing the same challenges as The Innovate Carolina Junction?

Improve member experience and save hours of time with Spacebring.